What Are The Signs of Healthy vs. Unhealthy Dairy Cows?

A healthy dairy cow produces lots of high-quality milk. Dairy farmers know that their cows need to be healthy to make milk with the right nutritional value, but how do you tell if a cow is sick or well? This guide will go over common warning signs of illness and how dairy farmers and veterinarians evaluate a herd's health based on these criteria:

Shiny and Thick Hair Coat

The cow's coat should be shiny and thick rather than patchy, thin, and dull. The coat should also be free of mud, manure, urine, and lice/ticks. Of course, cows will inevitably get a little dirt on themselves throughout the day. But a healthy cow should never be caked in mud or manure.

Good Muscle Tone and is Strong

To assess a cow's muscle tone, look at how it stands. A healthy dairy cow will have good muscle tone and be able to stand up and support its weight easily. If you see a dairy cow that has difficulty getting up or down, this may indicate poor health or lameness.

The next thing to look for is how freely the joints move when you put pressure on them. This can be done by gently pushing down on different parts of its body (neck, back, legs) while watching for any signs of pain or stiffness in these areas.

A healthy dairy cow should also be able to lift its head and neck without difficulty and move freely around without dragging its feet behind it.

Produces a High Volume of Milk

Milk production is a good indicator of overall health. A healthy Holstein cow will produce about 23,000 pounds of milk per year. If a cow's milk production declines, this is a tell-tale sign that something is wrong, such as an injury or illness.

Clear Eyes and a Healthy Mouth

A cow's nose, eyes, and mouth can tell you a lot about their health.

A moist nose is a good sign that your cow is healthy. If it is dry, they may be dehydrated or ill.

Clear eyes indicate a healthy animal, an alert expression, and a good breathing rate.

Healthy teeth indicate that the cow has been eating properly and chewing its cud freely, which means it's digesting its food well.

Healthy gums are another important indicator of health; if they're swollen or bleeding, this could be a sign of problems in the mouth area, such as dental disease.

The Udder is Even When Full

A healthy cow with no swelling or bruising on her udder will have an even, round udder, with teats in the center of each quarter, positioned at the same height on both sides.

The teats should be evenly spaced and should not feel hard or be clogged — this could indicate mastitis (inflammation) in the udder!

The best way to check if a dairy cow has mastitis is by examining her milk: fresh milk will be clear; cloudy or discolored milk is a sign of infection.

What Did We Learn?

A healthy dairy cow will have a shiny, thick coat, good muscle tone, and an even udder. Her eyes should be clear, she should move easily, and her mouth should be free of issues. Most importantly, though, a healthy cow produces lots of high-quality milk. This is a good indicator of overall health, as it means the animal is getting enough nutrition to support her body, including her reproductive system.

First and foremost, New York dairy farmers prioritize cow care to ensure healthy herds and nutritious products (which is why we rank top five in the country!). 


Millbrook Beef and Dairy


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